Stei im Wäg

Twingi Land – Art
Landschaftspark Binn, CH

Ghostly stone knockers:

According to an old folk tale from the Upper Valais, people walking at night along the old mule track through the Twingi Gorge distinctly heard thumps of hammers, mallets u d chisels, as if groups of stonecutters were at work. the noise came from above, where decades later (1935-38) the road through the Twingi was built on.

A chunk of stone with pamir made of noise control material, apparently thundered down the mountain from above and came to a stop at the edge of the hiking trail.

Food for thought on how we deal with nature and noise.

Photo © Thomas Andenmatten Brig, Ch
Photo © Thomas Andenmatten Brig, Ch
Photo © Thomas Andenmatten Brig, Ch